Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mouse Morality An Analysis Of Christian, Family, And...

Mouse Morality: An Analysis of Christian, Family, and Homosexual Values in Disney According to Richard Land, one of the originators of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Boycott of Disney, Disney is pushing a â€Å"Christian-bashing, family-bashing, pro-homosexual agenda† in its film, television, and theme park empire. However, this accusation is not accurate in regards to the majority of entertainment that Disney produces. Since the beginning of Walt Disney’s creations, the brand has focused on promoting family-friendly entertainment. As one of the largest cultural icons to date, Disney has succeeded in staying true to their wholesome values, despite the opinions of the Southern Baptist Convention. The issue with these accusations is that moral†¦show more content†¦Disney succeeds in doing this by celebrating diversity, and does not shy away from their underlying theme of self-acceptance. The accusation that Disney portrays an anti-Christian view is an inaccurate description of the message that the corporation attempts to influence on children. If a film is not inherently Christian or does not follow each and every rule in the Christian faith, it is suddenly â€Å"anti-Christian.† However, how is presenting a non-Christian idea or an image of Christians as less-than-perfect suddenly promote â€Å"anti-Christian† ideas? Also, many Disney films—both new and old—in fact do adhere to Christian values. A newcomer to the Disney dynasty, Frozen, has captured the hearts of children from all around the world with its catchy songs and relatable characters. However, it has attracted a vast amount of attention in the media for being one of Disney’s most implicit Christian films. The two female protagonists, Anna and Elsa, display a wholesome love that shows the viewers how the understanding of love and self-fulfillment affect us. Although Anna a ttempts to find happiness in a man she has just met, and Elsa isolates herself from her family, the end of the movie showcases that they can only find true happiness in sacrificial love. Biblical morality notes that true human development and authentic love occur through self-gift and

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