Friday, October 18, 2019

Strategic Management and Transport Policy Critical Review Assignment

Strategic Management and Transport Policy Critical Review - Assignment Example The critical review aims at analysing sustainable transport and the modernisation of urban transport in cities. The paper makes use of research conducted by Thynell, Mohan, and Tiwari that investigates and provides results and conclusions on the transport sustainability and modernisation in Delhi and Stockholm. The paper will critically review this study as a basis to get conclusive evidence on areas that the study was effective and the not so effective areas that the researchers ought to have made improvements. The topic comes from the journal, Cities, Volume 27 published in 2010 titled, â€Å"Sustainable transport and the modernization of urban transport in Delhi and Stockholm†. The essay will make a summary of the main areas of the article with specific emphasis on the discussion, methods, results, and conclusions, provide a summary of three articles in the field inclusive of the article under review on the field, and provide value judgments on the article. The essay will n ot be in a position to provide a comprehensive view of the whole transport literature because of the limited time and length of the paper. The essays course is the provision of a view on the effective strategies that were applied or ought to have been applied in the completion of the transport article to ensure more success and provide a view of the literature on transport. The need for an efficient transport system has never been greater in cities with the growth of the economy and the modernisation of lifestyles. The effect was pressure for cities to invest in modern technology and ensure its sustainability as a measure of managing traffic and augment competitiveness in national and international context. The purpose of the article was to find politicians perceptions and examine the transport plans in Delhi and Stockholm in a view of finding the driving forces for infrastructure plans and transport policy.

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